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Nade si Momeli / Dip uri

Prologic - DNA Powder Dip Crustacean

30,00 lei25,00 lei

Preturile includ TVA

Producator: Prologic

Cod produs: 0067


In stoc

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Descriere produs

A new and innovative dip that create an attractive fast leaking coating on your bait. A highly effective way of boosting bait is to combine wet- and powder dip, to create a porous fast, but still gradually leaking coating on the bait.

1) Dip the boilie in water
2) Dip the wet boilie in the powder dip. The combination of water and powder dip will now create a sticky paste-like surface on the bait.

Detalii pret

30 lei
Discount [%]:
20 %
25.00 Lei

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